If you are unsatisfied with your order, our returns process is super easy. Simply contact us via email on and we will try our best to respond to you within 24 hours. Please include your name, product details, order number and the reason for your refund request.

You are only eligible for a refund if:

  • Your refund request is processed within fourteen (14) days of your initial purchase;
  • Proof of purchase is provided;
  • The good(s) are in their original condition and are unused; 
  • The good(s) are unopened; and
  • The good(s) were not on sale.*

If there is a fault with respect to the goods, please provide us with images to substantiate this.

We do not accept refunds for change of mind, or for ordering an incorrect product.  We cannot organise a refund or cancel your order if it has already been dispatched. 

Please note that shipping costs are non-refundable and are the responsibility of the buyer if a refund is requested. As such, once your refund is processed to the original method of payment, you will receive a full refund on your order excluding shipping costs. We highly recommend using a tracked service to return the goods as all transport risk is borne by the sender.

We take no responsibility if you provide us with an inaccurate or incorrect shipping address.